Dietary Tips for Lowering Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, occurs when the smaller blood vessels of your body become narrower. Therefore, the natural blood flow of your body starts putting a higher amount of pressure on the artery walls. This condition, in turn, forces your heart to work a lot harder to maintain the overall pressure. So, if you want to avoid this condition, then you would have to, first, find a way to prevent the narrowing of your blood vessels. There are numerous types of foods and diet tips for lowering blood pressure that can help you with it. Here are some of them. Have More Leafy Vegetables Potassium, a type of mineral found in leafy vegetables helps the kidneys in getting rid of extra sodium from your blood. When your body loses sodium, your overall blood pressure also decreases by quite a mile. So, while following the diet tips for lowering blood pressure, you would also have to increase your daily intake of leafy vegetables. However, when buying vegetables from a store, you should always avoid the canned ones. They are not really fresh and often contain a lot of sodium. Therefore, if you consume them on a daily basis, then your blood pressure might increase.
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